

This exercise involves a few moves to mobilize the shoulders.

  1. The upward movement in the arms into your "Y" position. The fingers should be together and you want to point your thumbs back to the back of the room. Try not to arch your back at the ribcage.

  2. The "W movement involves bringing those elbows down to the side but hands upward. this will bring your shoulder blades together and work those rhomboids.

  3. For the "T" straighten your arms straight out to the side at shoulder height. On this one keep the hands flat and palms up toward the ceiling (thumbs are still back).

  4. The "L" requires a little more imagination to see it. The arms are bent out to the side with palms up and with thumbs to the back. This is that external rotation motion we keep working on.

Props to my friend, Dr. Michelle Robin who taught me this. It's a Chiropractor favorite.

  • Y - You

  • W - Want

  • T - To

  • L - Live


Wall Robot


Arm External Rotation on Wall